National Politics

Texas is represented in National Politics by U.S. Senators who have approved  all of the Cabinet appointees of President Donald Trump and put Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court.

Senator Ted Cruz is, thank goodness, up for re-election in 2018. He’s busy gearing up to face his challenger, Beto O’Rourke. Maybe Ted is considering an appearance on Dancing With the Stars? Look what it did for former Texas Gov. Rick Perry turned Energy Secretary — it got him the nuclear codes.

Unexpected Acts of Kindness

Among the horror we’ve witnessed over the last several weeks, it’s been amazing to see tiny glimmers of awesomeness during hurricanes in Houston, Florida and Puerto Rico. In Las Vegas, where strangers put their lives at risk to help others as a gunman rained down bullets on country music fans. These senseless acts of violence…

Problems with Texas Texting Ban

With all the hubbub in Texas over bathroom bills and whatnot, one bill that quietly swooped into place is a statewide ban on texting and driving. It goes into effect on September 1. It’s not hard to see us go from texting ban to deportation from Texas for some unlucky undocumented immigrants.  Gov. Greg Abbott…

Texas Betting on Trump to Block Planned Parenthood

The state of Texas is on a mission to box Planned Parenthood out, and is hoping the current Presidential administration will aid and abet its plan, even if it results in the further decline of health services to Texas women. That’s right. Texas is betting on Trump to block Planned Parenthood. In 2013, Texas gave…

Pastors Now Can Preach Politics from the Pulpit

President Donald Trump has become known for the large number of executive orders he’s signed since he was elected, but one he signed on May 4 involving religious liberty has even some faith organizations scratching their heads. What the order does is essentially remove a gag on pastors that previously prevented them from preaching politics…

Your vote counts so use it

Why You Need to Vote

It feels like things are really getting bad in Texas. That we’re living in a dystopian HBO drama where there is only one flavor of opinion — vanilla. Tolerance is nonexistent, sprinkles aren’t allowed. Don’t even think about chocolate. It’s embarrassing enough that a federal judge has ruled, yet again, that our voter ID law…

Why We Need to Speak Up for Mother Earth

April 22 marked the passing of another Earth Day, with a weekend-long festival at Fair Park, and celebrations around the world. Our awareness about the importance of protecting the environment seems to be increasing. Yet the actions by state and national politicians seem to be going in the opposite direction. This should be a no-brainer.…

The Dollars and Sense of Sanctuary Cities

The concept of a sanctuary city is an ancient one, dating back to the Old Testament. But with immigration emerging as a major issue since the 2016 Presidential election, the topic has a new life, both nationally and locally. The current controversy over sanctuary cities began in January, when President Donald Trump signed an executive…

Even my dad realizes it's getting to be a bit much under Trump

First Signs of Hope Under Trump

Like all good Jewish girls, I took my father to Cindy’s Deli for his birthday lunch last week. Our conversations have been a bit strained since Christmas Eve. Scene: Chinese Restaurant. Mom and brother stepped away to say hello to someone. Yup. Very Jew-ish. My chance to talk to dad without everyone else jumping in.…

Flying home and feeling guilty

Flying Home During the Immigration Ban and Feeling Guilty

As I entered the Denver airport to catch my flight back to Dallas Sunday, it didn’t matter that I was late. I moved in slow motion, studying the faces and signs protesting the immigration ban ordered by President Donald Trump. I’m flying home during the immigration ban and feeling guilty. I get to go home,…

Halloween costumes aren't for me

Why I Don’t Dress Up for Halloween

By far one of the most underrated parties in Dallas is the annual Oak Lawn Halloween Block Party on Cedar Springs Road. Typically held the Saturday before Halloween, it’s something that makes me proud of Dallas. A festivity bringing together the most diverse crowd I’ve experienced in Texas, spanning age, ethnicity and sexual orientation. There’s…