Rani Monson

Rani Monson lives in Texas. She's busy trying to: win over her partner's cat, practice yoga in the driveway and figure out humor writing. She's a former newspaper reporter and award-winning journalist with an MBA in marketing and a B.S. in Journalism from Northwestern University.

The best customer service is at marijuana dispensaries

Customer Service Needs to Visit Pot Dispensaries

On what feels like it should be a Monday, the first email of the morning sets the day off to a bad start. DirecTV is thanking me for the pay-per-view movie I allegedly just rented. Please. If only I could be that person, up early enough to watch a movie before work, I’d probably also…

How to Protest your Property Taxes in Dallas

If you’re a homeowner in the DFW area, you recently got a shocker in the mail: a 2017 appraisal of the value of your property that probably went through the roof. The value of homes in Dallas County rose 9.9 percent this year, with the value of homes in the four major counties around Dallas,…

Texas Betting on Trump to Block Planned Parenthood

The state of Texas is on a mission to box Planned Parenthood out, and is hoping the current Presidential administration will aid and abet its plan, even if it results in the further decline of health services to Texas women. That’s right. Texas is betting on Trump to block Planned Parenthood. In 2013, Texas gave…

At that moment, I proudly decided I was a groupie

How I Became a Band Groupie

Even though my trip to Portland has been planned for a number of months, I’ve been uncharacteristically demure about the purpose. When asked, I was embarrassed to tell the truth. I was a band groupie. Then I outed myself on Facebook, sharing a photo of myself meeting the band. “This is kinda becoming a groupie…

Don’t Thank Dallas Mayor for Pension Resolution

Following months of uncertainty, some progress is being made to divert one of the biggest potential crises for the city of Dallas: the disposition of the massively troubled Dallas Police and Fire Pension. But we don’t have Mayor Mike Rawlings to thank for it. Due to gross mismanagement, the pension fund has acquired a debt…

Pastors Now Can Preach Politics from the Pulpit

President Donald Trump has become known for the large number of executive orders he’s signed since he was elected, but one he signed on May 4 involving religious liberty has even some faith organizations scratching their heads. What the order does is essentially remove a gag on pastors that previously prevented them from preaching politics…

Your vote counts so use it

Why You Need to Vote

It feels like things are really getting bad in Texas. That we’re living in a dystopian HBO drama where there is only one flavor of opinion — vanilla. Tolerance is nonexistent, sprinkles aren’t allowed. Don’t even think about chocolate. It’s embarrassing enough that a federal judge has ruled, yet again, that our voter ID law…

How Dog Friendly is Dallas

Dallas loves its dogs, and you can find man’s best friend pretty much everywhere, on coffeehouse patios, at festivals, and sometimes unfortunately loose on the street. But On April 27, the city sent out letters to approximately 140 businesses with patios letting them know how they can go about receiving a dog variance in Dallas.…

Why We Need to Speak Up for Mother Earth

April 22 marked the passing of another Earth Day, with a weekend-long festival at Fair Park, and celebrations around the world. Our awareness about the importance of protecting the environment seems to be increasing. Yet the actions by state and national politicians seem to be going in the opposite direction. This should be a no-brainer.…

Doing my taxes is emotional and a mental beating

Why I Hate Doing My Taxes

Doing my taxes puts me in a really bad mood. It feels like a black-and-white awareness that I suck. True financial recognition that I’m not making the amount of money I thought I would. Or could. Or should. I hate doing my taxes. While finishing is the goal, it means I have to turn around…